The Act Today team works across many industries, business and organisations, continually supporting, implementing and improving how Act! is working for our clients. Over the years we have realised the benefits of well-managed customer data and the power that sits behind this data for business owners and their teams.

Here, we share the latest and greatest tips and tricks that you can use with Act! CRM along with industry trends, new technologies, integrations and new features, all designed to make your life easier and help you create a closer connection with your customers.

Written by   |   Jul 29 2018

The Act! Dashboard delivers an at-a-glance view of key Act! information like Activities and Opportunities while allowing you to drill down into this information and take further action directly from the dashboard, so you can start your day effectively and work more efficiently.

Written by   |   Jul 29 2018

Finding the right Customer Relationship Management solution that also matches your business and industry requirements is an ominous task for any organisation. Add to that the hundreds of CRMs currently on the market and it can be time consuming and very confusing.

Many small businesses adopt a CRM solution for the purpose of using it as a centralised repository for their customer information however a CRM is much more than just a customer database. Your CRM should act as a powerful business tool to help you manage daily operations and your marketing efforts.

Written by   |   Jul 26 2018

Act! Groups are a fantastic way to help you to categorise and organise your contacts into meaningful and useful subsets. Find out how you can utilise this great feature for a variety of different purposes. 

The most common question that we get asked as Act! consultants is 'what is my Act! username and password? Find out how to locate your login details so you can quickly get back into Act!.

After the chaos of EOFY, July it is a great time to reassess your business goals and get organised for the new financial year.  Just like your personal new years’ resolutions, our first tip is to take some time to reset and start with a clear mind and clear goals.

Written by   |   Jul 3 2018

Act! is a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software application which is used to keep track of client and prospect details in a single database that can be shared by multiple users.

Written by   |   Jul 3 2018

Act! has been a top selling CRM for small businesses for over 30 years. COO of Swiftpage, Lorcan Malone was recently interviewed at a Small Business Expo talking about the benefits of Act! CRM for small businesss.

With the popularity of smartphone users increasing every year, mobile marketing has become a significant opportunity for small business. More than ever, it is crucial to stay “front of mind” with customers in order to stay in business. Using SMS is one of the more affordable and effective ways to keep customers up to date on your products and services.

As Australian businesses try to understand the new European data protection laws it is important to understand who it is actually relevant to and what you need to do to ensure you are compliant.

Custom Tables are a new feature of Act! Premium Plus, introduced with v20.1. It allows you store complex data sets, unique business information and industry practises all within Act!.

Written by   |   Jun 22 2018

This new release for Act! version 20.1 is packed full of feature improvements that enhance usability and functionality.

All businesses, from a small team of multi-taskers, to a large business with departments managing accounts, marketing, sales and customer service, have a few things in common. That is a desire for efficiency, a shortfall of time to get everything done, a vision to be the best in their industry and of course to create exceptional customer experiences.

The unveiling of the federal budget can often be a stressful and confusing time for business owners. Not only is there a lot of information to take in, it is often confusing and so detailed that it would take several weeks to wade through all the information to understand what is actually relevant to your business in a positive or negative way.

Written by   |   Jan 8 2018

Act! v20 has some exciting new features to take Act! into a modern era of CRM. Along with a fresh new look, Act! has introduced some fantastic new reporting tools, leading edge voice integration and other enhancements that save time and streamline your workflow.

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