Written by Michael Bryant   |   Jun 22 2018   |   Read 3697 times

Act! v20.1 Update 6

This new release for Act! version 20.1 is packed full of feature improvements that enhance usability and functionality. The update applies to Act! Pro, Act! Premium and Act! Premium Web versions 20.1 only.

Some highlights include:

Add ID/Status to the Create Act! Contact dialog in Outlook

When using the create Act! Contact Add-in within Microsoft Outlook, the ID/Status field is now available so users can ensure the new record is categorised correctly as point of entry.

Add Documents tab option to save selected file locally

The Documents tab now features a Save button which can be used to save a local copy of any document previously attached to the database.

Group tree sticks to last selection

Group trees now maintain the tree you last opened when navigating away from groups which is a great time saver if you work heavily in groups.

Contact column displays by default on Group and Company history tab

When viewing the History tab of a Group or Company record, the Contact column will now display by default, and does not need to be manually added to the view by a user.

Left-align the big button menu in Web version

In the Act! Premium Web version, the top ‘big button’ menu has now been left-aligned to match the Windows client. This reduces the mouse movement required to access and navigate core functionality in daily use.

Reduce Act! icon file size

To further improve web client performance, the file size of the Act! icon which loads on each page refresh has been significantly reduced.

Allow ‘Create Lookup’ from multiple selected companies (Windows client only)

Within the Windows client, users can now select multiple company records in the list view and perform a lookup of all of the combined contacts linked to each. This functionality will be added to the web client in a future Act! release.

Enable ‘Look for’ field in list views by default

The ‘Look for’ field will now appear in all list views by default and does not need to be manually enabled by a user.

Add preference to only attach histories to contact and NOT my record on auto attach histories.

A new option to ‘Exclude My Record from history’ is now available when specifying the preferences around attaching sent emails under Email System Setup. This will prevent sent emails from attaching to the user’s My Record contact, should they include their own email address on the send. This option was already available when specifying QuickAttach preferences. In the Act! Premium version, this install also updates the Web API to v1.0.279.0 to enable some new Act Companion functionality.

For a full list of improvements see act.com/updates

Download Act! v20.1 Update 6

See KnowledgeBase Article How do I download and apply the latest update for my Act! software? or call 1300 362 046 to speak to a consultant.

Important notes: This update only applies to version 20.1 and includes all previous updates for v20.1. In a shared environment, the update needs to be installed on the server and all local installations. Act! Notifications can be activated so that you are notified as soon as there is an update. We recommend that Act! Notifications is only active for the Act! Admin so they can coordinate and manage any updates or upgrades.  Act Today provides this software and documentation as a courtesy and accepts no responsibility for self installations.. We recommend that you speak with one of our team prior to applying any software updates especially if you have custom plugins or AddOns.