Written by   |   Sep 25 2018   |   Read 5314 times

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is not just about technology, it’s about people and processes. In order for your Act! CRM solution to be a success, it is vital that you assign a CRM Champion.

The CRM champion’s role is to oversee the implementation and deployed use of the CRM across the business to ensure its success. They don’t necessarily have to be technical but they should understand the benefits of CRM in order to be the driving force behind the implementation, adoption, and development of your CRM.

Here are our top 4 reasons why you need a CRM Champion

1. Smooth implementation

Your CRM Champion will help to ensure that the CRM implementation is successful from conception through to deployment. They understand the business, the data that needs to be captured and any requirements for customisations to improve processes. By focusing on the big picture, the champion can ensure a smooth pathway for the CRM initiative within the business.

2. One point of contact

The CRM Champion is the main point of contact for all questions and issues that the team encounters with the CRM. They have a solid understanding of the system and may be able to identify and resolve any issues quickly or alternatively escalate it to their support contact. This process helps to build the Champion’s knowledge in order to efficiently support their team, improve productivity and reduce costs.

3. Maintain consistent data and processes

Assigning a dedicated person to administer your CRM processes will help to maintain the data consistency and make your database easier to manage. The champion will monitor, clean, organise and improve data collection processes in order to generate better results from marketing initiatives. For example, if all users enter data in the same way, you will be able to accurately segment data and target contacts with relevant and personalised content. Additionally, the CRM Champion will be able to identify where improvements can be made to position the company better and increase growth. Read our Top 6 ways to avoid dirty data in your CRM.

4. Increase CRM success rate

A CRM champion is the ultimate advocate of your CRM. They understand the many benefits of CRM and can get your team motivated and excited about how much easier life will be with this new technology. By providing clear direction and support, the champion can empower end users to adopt the system, increase employee satisfaction, increase the quality of customer information and enable your business to get better results.

Having a CRM Champion is one of the critical factors required to embed CRM in your business. Find the best person in your business to understand and manage your CRM. Provide them with additional training and a direct connection to the CRM Support team and you will be on your way to ensuring that the vision and mission of your business is achieved from your CRM.

Find out about our training services. If you like to talk to a CRM specialist about training your Act! Champion, call 1300 362 046 (AU) or 09 428 2281 (NZ) or speak to you local Act! CRM Consultant

Rob Dixon

Rob Dixon became an Act! Certified Consultant working with Act Today since 2002.

Rob’s experience with CRM started client side, working in technical roles for a US-based, worldwide supplier of computer-aided design and manufacturing systems. He has introduced and implemented several database systems including Act!

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