The Act Today team works across many industries, business and organisations, continually supporting, implementing and improving how Act! is working for our clients. Over the years we have realised the benefits of well-managed customer data and the power that sits behind this data for business owners and their teams.
Here, we share the latest and greatest tips and tricks that you can use with Act! CRM along with industry trends, new technologies, integrations and new features, all designed to make your life easier and help you create a closer connection with your customers.
The Act! Growth Suite is an all-in-one sales and marketing platform designed to provide small and midsize businesses (SMBs) with all the tools they need to successfully run and grow their business.
Act! now includes CRM and Marketing Automation to create an all-in-one sales and marketing platform that provides everything you need to successfully run and grow your business.
Integrating social media into your CRM gives you a fast, simple way to help you understand who your customers are and what’s important to them. You can build greater relationships with your customers that can drive sales and increase your revenue. Additionally, the more connected you are with your customers, the more loyal they will be to your brand.
Is your CRM just a place to store your contacts or the most valuable tool in your business? As a small business investing in CRM software, you want to see a return for your dollar. Find out how you can use CRM to reshape the way your business operates and make it the most valuable asset in your business.
Your Act! database can grow very quickly when you’re working in it on a daily basis. Over time, you might notice that your database starts to slow down, you see error messages. Find out how you can easily keep your database in tip top condition.
With the right CRM solution and strategy you can improve your processes for building and maintaining business relationships. This will help to enhance your professional image, build sales and most importantly, free up your valuable time.
Act! v22 brings you the latest generation CRM and Marketing Automation encompassing numerous improvements to enhance the user experience of Act! no matter where it has been deployed, whether than be via desktop, web or cloud.
The embedded third-party software component of Act! that facilitates licensing services is being discontinued by the manufacturer at the end of 2018. To avoid any interruption in accessing your Act! data, you will need to update Act!.
The all new Act! version 21 delivers some fantastic new features including Act! Marketing Automation and Dynamic Sales Pipeline Management plus a host of compatibility and productivity enhancements. To ensure a seamless upgrade, make sure you read our helpful tips.
Many small businesses invest their time, money, and resources into adopting a new CRM system only to realise 6 months later that it’s not being used as intended. With reports showing that CRM can improve a team’s productivity by 50%, how do you as a business owner get these results?
Are you using paper-based systems, spreadsheets or Microsoft® Outlook® to manage your business relationships? If yes, then you are probably spending too much time searching for information. Searching for information wastes time and will make it appear like you don’t value your customers.
Customer Relationship Management is about people and processes. In order for your Act! CRM solution to be a success, it is vital that you assign a CRM Champion to oversee the implementation and deployed use of the CRM across the business to ensure its success.
Many small business owners start out by storing their customer data in Excel spreadsheets or Outlook. Whilst these tools can fulfill basic needs, most businesses will inevitably struggle to grow without an effective customer management system Find out how your small business can benefit from using a CRM.
If you use a CRM database, it’s highly likely that it will contain some degree of ‘dirty data’. It might not seem like a big problem however dirty data can cause significant losses to your business through sales inefficiencies, decreased productivity and diminished customer satisfaction.
Do you feel that you and your staff are not working to full capacity? A recent report shows that wasted time at work actually costs organisations $87 billion per year. Find out how your team can easily improve productivity and focus more attention on your customers.
Act! Premium Cloud has been launched in Australia on the local Google Cloud platform offering significant improvements in bandwidth and performance, as well as local vendor support.
In accordance with the Act! Obsolescence Policy, support for Act! version 18 ends on November 30th, 2018. After this date, no further service packs, hotfixes, or compatibility updates will be delivered for Act! v18.x products. Upgrade today.
Act! 21.0 Update 6 has been released by Swiftpage with some improvements and minor bug fixes. Click through to see a list of changes.
Act! 20.1 Update 7 has been released by Swiftpage with some improvements and minor bug fixes. Alongside this update is new on-boarding process for Act! Premium Cloud customers.
Cloud technology offers enormous benefits for CRMs however there are legitimate reasons why you may want an on-premises CRM solution. The advantage of Act! is that it's one of the only CRMs on the market that offer a hybrid solution so you can have both cloud and on-premise access.